
Senior Director of Digital Experience/Brand

Senior Director of Digital Experience/ Brand

Tasked with taking over all digital ecosystems and managing a team of 6 we needed to uplevel the brand to better align with the new product offerings and course correct the product architecture. Likewise this is a business that relies on marketing to deliver leads and get users converting on pages. The site initially had a 2% conversion rate and a 75% bounce rate. We needed to fix all of that.

  • User Experience

  • Web Design

  • Branding

  • Development

  • User Experience

  • Web Design

  • Branding

  • Development

  • SEO

  • Content Strategy

  • Product Marketing

  • On-Page Conversion

  • SEO

  • Content Strategy

  • Product Marketing

  • On-Page Conversion

  1. Getting the team on a new system

  1. Getting the team on a new system

  1. Getting the team on a new system

We didn't have a good way to work in our systems as design reviews and tools were split between creative cloud, sketch and some other tools. To make things easier I moved the team to Figma as I've been working in it for several years.

While there was some skepticism at first in the end the whole team really jumped in and learned it quickly.

  1. Brand alignment

  1. Brand alignment

The brand had gone through several iterations but nothing really had any consistency. Images, copy, product alignment, everything was running in various directions and even our basic UI elements like buttons and navigation weren't aligned to a cohesive story or visual guide.

We needed clean things up to make it easier for the team and the company to better understand the products offered and help our users know where we could help them solve their business challenges. Original designs below

The brand had gone through several iterations but nothing really had any consistency. Images, copy, product alignment, everything was running in various directions and even our basic UI elements like buttons and navigation weren't aligned to a cohesive story or visual guide.

We needed clean things up to make it easier for the team and the company to better understand the products offered and help our users know where we could help them solve their business challenges. Original designs below

The brand had gone through several iterations but nothing really had any consistency. Images, copy, product alignment, everything was running in various directions and even our basic UI elements like buttons and navigation weren't aligned to a cohesive story or visual guide.

We needed clean things up to make it easier for the team and the company to better understand the products offered and help our users know where we could help them solve their business challenges. Original designs below

Old Homepage
Old Homepage
Old Product Page
Old Product Page
Old Landing Page
Old Landing Page
Old Solution Type
Old Solution Type
  1. User Profiles

We had a small categorization of user profiles that we could use to target and think about messaging and overall experiences. This is just two of the seven that we had. We had been running heat map testing using Hotjar and already had some initial data to work from. Likewise, we used our CAB group for initial research and understanding. What it really came down to was people didn't understand everything that we were able to do as a solution provider. The marketing experience was disjointed and misaligned.

We had a small categorization of user profiles that we could use to target and think about messaging and overall experiences. This is just two of the seven that we had. We had been running heat map testing using Hotjar and already had some initial data to work from. Likewise, we used our CAB group for initial research and understanding. What it really came down to was people didn't understand everything that we were able to do as a solution provider. The marketing experience was disjointed and misaligned.

We had a small categorization of user profiles that we could use to target and think about messaging and overall experiences. This is just two of the seven that we had. We had been running heat map testing using Hotjar and already had some initial data to work from. Likewise, we used our CAB group for initial research and understanding. What it really came down to was people didn't understand everything that we were able to do as a solution provider. The marketing experience was disjointed and misaligned.

Persona 1
Persona 1
Persona 1
Persona 1
Persona 1
Persona 1
  1. Design System

Design systems play a pivotal role in elevating the quality of products, streamlining workflows, fostering collaboration, and, most importantly, cohesive user experiences. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, investing in a well-crafted design system has become an indispensable practice for any organization striving to succeed in the competitive market and build long-lasting relationships with its users.

I also want to mention that design systems aren't just for apps and Saas tools. Design systems are a better way to think about your branding guides, your usage of collateral, assets, you name it. When you leverage some of the great tools that are out there the design system can be the cleanest way to align various departments regardless if they have design experience.

Color Pallete

The original color story was much larger and didn't have any defined set of rules or guardrails to prevent people and things going rogue. We settled on much more simplified palette that used our own naming convention Filepine (basically dark teal) as the baseline color.

New Iconography

We wanted to come up with some unique elements for the brand and our incredible design Grace Callister came up with these which really hit the notes of our vine story and using our Filepine color elements to tell a beautiful story.

Various Components using atomic design principles

We built out our component library to have a good amount of flexibility in the CMS. We wanted to have a collection of usable elements for our storytelling on the website that would allow anyone to grab a component and apply that to a design. Likewise we wanted to leverage various aspects for other collateral, data sheets, pdfs, even videos. The team really liked the usage of Figma in almost every capacity.

  1. Storytelling elements

Any worthwhile site needs to tell a story and create a way to help solve customer problems. But doing that in way that makes it easy for anyone in marketing, product, and sales to build pages and content can be a challenge because with any CMS you have constraints. But using our design system and our smaller molecules makes it pretty straightforward to create. We created over 40 different components that will continue to scale as the site grows larger.


We have various styles and types but all of them are built under one main parent so we can use a variety of different types based on usage.

Side by Sides

One of our baseline components used throughout the site to provide snackable information that allows a user to quickly scan the feature or benefit to see if it's applicable to their needs.

Call to Actions

The old site had no engagement points or ways to share assets with lightweight gates and lead capture mechanisms. We leveraged old assets and created numerous new ones to help with conversion.


In today's competitive SEO world any way that you grab a snippet is worthwhile we implemented these throughout the site.

Final Results

Conversion Improvements

Conversion Improvements

We grew organic traffic by 30% YoY and sitewide conversion jumped by 2%. Generating a 40% increase in MQLs.



Bounce rate decreased by 55% as well and time on site and avg. pages per user session.

Rebuilt the entire product architecture

Rebuilt the entire product architecture