Back on the job hunt

Back on the job hunt

Back on the job hunt

Jul 13, 2023

Well, sadly I was let go as a "people reduction" from my position at Filevine. There are so many feelings that I have - sadness, anger, fear, disappointment, it's an overwhelming amount of emotions. You continually second guess the choices you made, decisions that you made as a leader, not playing the politics as well as you could of, did I focus on the right goals, should I have approached things differently. You can continually look back and think about the potential missteps, and the people interactions, did I trust the wrong people? Spending time looking in the past is never a worthwhile exercise though which I keep telling myself over and over, but it's hard to be thinking forward when the baggage from the past is still so heavy.

So what's next?

That is the recurring question that comes up in my head. What do I want to do? Where should I look? Do I stay on the path that I'm at? I'm going to be taking it slowly (albeit as one can on no income coming in). I need to think long and hard about the next career move I make as I want to land at a place where I really feel like I can grow and be part of something that matters.

UX or Marketing?

That's really where I'm getting stuck. I've been doing marketing for so long but I think my passion sits with the UX space. I love the blending of both worlds with digital experience because you have the ability to test and try things while still building things. I love building things and creating and working with creative people. It's what get's me up in the morning. Especially building and managing teams. There's something so powerful and rewarding in seeing your team grow and get excited about the work that they are doing. I'm going to keep thinking long and hard about it. But writing is a good way to get my thoughts on paper.

I guess this is going to be my personal job hunt journey.

Thanks for stopping by!

Contact me if you would like to work together.

© Charlie Lynch 2023

Thanks for stopping by!

Contact me if you would like to work together.

© Charlie Lynch 2023