Finding the calm

Finding the calm

Finding the calm

Jul 20, 2023

When dealing with the job hunt, you gotta make sure you can find the calm moments. Going for walks, exercising, talking to friends, and being able to take your head out of the endless cycle of hunting for jobs is imperative. I find myself in a constant state of good than bad from an emotional standpoint that it can be really unhealthy for myself and my family.

Trying to stay positive.

Easier said than done is the old adage. So many of my friends and family have been giving me the old "you'll get a job, don't worry" but to be honest that's nails on the blackboard right now. It's an easy throw-away comment and while people mean well, it's impossible to not worry.

Bills, mortgages, debt, all of those things keep me up at night. Probably 99% of the population have similar worries, but at least with a steady paycheck, those worries are tampered down a little bit more.

How many days will it be before a paycheck?

Not sure but the horror stories that are out there are really bad. I've seen very seasoned people still hunting after 27 weeks. Everyone is saying that the economy is on the upswing, but I'm not sure that's aligned with the white color workers or people in tech like myself. It feels like there are fewer and fewer tech jobs and more people applying for them. Likewise, it's really just your network nowadays. Going into a blind job opening is incredible tough as you have to have some stars align and hit the perfect notes on a resume and portfolio.

Ending on something good

As my mom says "the sun will come out", there is so many things that I have to be thankful for, my kids, my wife, my health, and the fact that every day is a gift and I have people around me who care for me and love me and knowing that I've got skills that can help companies and businesses. Intangibles and tangibles, something will come up.

Keep hunting, there's a job out there for everyone.

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Contact me if you would like to work together.

© Charlie Lynch 2023

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Contact me if you would like to work together.

© Charlie Lynch 2023